Description: At first sight this game looks very easy. But only at first sight. You will spend many hours with this game if you want to win.
With this game you may play multiplayer without net. Tennis 2001 is a remake from a classic game know from first " TV-GAMES" . Its a perhaps first computer game at all.
You may download trial version, whish have not any limitation !
HTML Batch Editor is above all useful for:
Developers - for batch convert a source code.
Webmasters - for create a simple pages from complicated ones (you can create e.g. channels for AvantGo!).
Owners of PDA - for convert a downloaded complicated pages to simply ones.
E-books - Mass HTML pages editing and their preparation for processing as e.g. HTML Help for Windows.
Others e.g. - Removal of accent / diacritics in the case of foreign language text.
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