Download: | | Publisher: | | Release date: | 2008-07-31 | File size: | 141185 Kb | Type: | Commercial | Price: | 699 $ | Description: | Below advertisement |
Description: SDE for JBuilder is a UML CASE tool/plug-in tightly integrated with JBuilder. This UML modeling software supports full software lifecycle - analysis, design, implementation, testing and deployment. This UML CASE tool helps you build quality applications faster, better and cheaper. You can draw all types of UML diagrams in JBuilder, reverse engineer Java code to class diagrams, generate Java code and generate documentation.
SDE Features:
+Support UML 2.1
+Business Process diagram
+Mind Mapping
+Requirement Modeling with automatic generate requirement ID (Enhanced)
+Event-driven Process Chain
+Organization Chart
+Navigate between operation and sequence diagram (New)
+Better annotation for sequence diagram (New)
+Callout and Freehand shape
+Nicknamer - create translated copies of model
+Model Transitor
+User Interface Designer
+Use Case Details Editor - An all-in-one environment for specifying a general model specification and use case descriptions
+EJB diagram and code generation
+ORM support - generate Java objects from database
+Database generation and reverse engineering
+Reverse engineering - code to model, code to diagram
+Reverse engineering Java, C++, XML, .NET exe/dll, CORBA IDL and Python
+Code Generation - model to code, diagram to code
+Java Round-trip engineering
+Automatic synchronization between source code and diagrams
+Automatic diagram layout and reroute connector
+Modeling collaboratively with VP Teamwork Server, CVS, Subversion and Perforce
+Support Stored Procedure and Trigger
+Export diagrams to JPG, PNG, SVG, EMF, PDF
+PDF/HTML/MS Word Report generator
+Multilingual support
+Access code for Floating License (New)
Other UML Modeling Tools /UML Plugins:
Java Platform (Windows/Linux/Mac OS X):
+SDE for Eclipse
+SDE for Oracle JDeveloper
+SDE for IntelliJ IDEA
+SDE for NetBeans
+SDE for Sun ONE
+SDE for WebLogic Workshop
Windows Platform:
+SDE for Microsoft Visual Studio
+More SDE... |
User comments:
| does not support the use of pirated software. Instead of using a "free" crack or serials to programs that you have not bought, you should buy the software. You support future software development by not using cracks or a serial key that is not your own. |
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