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Business > Project Management > awEventMgr 1.0

awEventMgr 1.0

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awEventMgr is a dynamic, database driven, web enabled schedule and assignment board for small to large groups. It lets you publish dynamic, searchable event calendars and assignments to the web or your local network. As a general user, you can find events and assignments. You can view summary information in various calendar formats (calendar,log, list, agenda). You can filter them using criteria such as time, place, who, event type. You can click links to details about events, assignments, and people. The admininistrator role gives you more options on the menu and on pages. You can create, edit, delete events, assignments, and contacts. You can repeat events and assignments and send email reminders. The web application includes open source JSP and Java that you may tailor to your needs. You can customize appearance, menu items, and search roles. Build custom queries. Find events and assignments.Searchable, Time views of events. Searchable, Time views of assignments. Links to contacts, event details, assignments. Search pages to find and view particular entries for contacts, roles. You can use search criteria such as who or name.Find Events/Assignments : Who is scheduled Find Resources : Who and what are available for roles Find Contacts : Who and what are available for roles Consistent user interface with many aids: *On line Help pages. *Multi-level search screens *Context and role sensitive. *Unallowed actions are not displayed. *Short cuts for date entry *User role manager. The administrative role allows you to edit and browse the database. *Create, edit, delete events, assignments, and other items *Duplicate events and assignments *Send email reminders. Design factored and has tools to tailor to your needs. *Open source JSP and Java *customize appearance *customize menu items *Quickly build custom queries Requirements: Java. JSP server JDBC database. java mail Eden Systems LLL utilities 0.3b. ant.

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Program info:

Operating systems: Windows2000, Linux

Installation: Install Only

Languages: English

Release status: New Release

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