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Business > Other > TreePad Lite for Linux 2.2.0

TreePad Lite for Linux 2.2.0

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499 Kb
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! TreePad Lite for Linux is a very intuitive and powerful personal database program, PIM and search tool. TreePad allows you to store all your notes, emails, texts, hyperlinks - in sum, any kind of data - into a single file. With the look and feel similar to the Windows Explorer, editing, storing, browsing, searching and retrieving your data could not be easier! TreePad additionally offers hyperlink and multi-language support. To find any article that you previously created or imported, you can browse the tree, in the very same way as you browse directories/folders in the Windows Explorer. Additionally, you can use the very fast internal advanced search tool and find instantly any item you need, whether it is on the tree-structure or amid your notes and texts! TreePad is also highly customizable. And, differently from the usual database programs, TreePad excels in its capacity to store unstructured information of any kind: you have total freedom to define and impose your own structure and preferences. You can create any tree form that suits you, and organize your notes hierarchically according to whatever criteria you define! Moreover, you can easily arrange, rearrange, and add to the tree structure that you develop, as much as you may wish. You can even copy/paste complete subtrees together with all the notes and data attached to them - all of it in one go. TreePad offers you the convenience of 'drag-and-drop', as well as context-sensitive menus. TreePad saves you time, allowing you easy and prompt location and retrieval of anything you have stored, And TreePad saves space on your disk, as well: the storage of data in one single file, as TreePad does, uses up far less disk space than storage of an equivalent volume of data in separate files - as most other programs do. Best of all: download + enjoy TreePad on Linux 100% Free!

TreePad Lite for Linux

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Program info:

Operating systems: Linux

System requirements: Kylix3 library, see

Installation: Install and Uninstall

Languages: English

Release status: New Release

Changes: Added menu/navigate/focus tree, or F11, added menu/navigate/focus article, or F12, selecting an empty area in the tree does not clear the article anymore

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